Student Clubs & Organizations
- For more information on clubs, contact our Director of Clubs.
- Learn more about the Student Government Association (SGA)
- Learn more about Student Community Outreach
Alpha Mu Gamma Club
Alpha Mu Gamma is part of a nationally recognized Foreign Language Honor Society looking to recognize students excelling in their foreign language studies. Each member must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA, and have at least two A letter grades in 3 credit hour foreign language classes. As a club, our aim is to celebrate different languages and cultures through our club events and service projects.
ROTC is an organization through the United States Army to train and educate college students in order to prepare them to be second lieutenants upon graduation. Most cadets gain scholarships that pay full tuition by their sophomore year.
Atelier BC
The purpose of Atelier BC—Benedictine College’s Architecture Club—is a twofold mission in which the club 1) supplements the curriculum of Benedictine College’s Classical Architecture Program with annual student galleries and speakers; 2) simultaneously fosters continued development of the member’s knowledge and passion for architecture.
While attendance at every meeting is not mandatory, members, especially current architecture majors, are highly encouraged to participate in semester-long galleries and lectures as a means of augmenting their exposure to the profession as well as displaying their work to visiting architects, Benedictine College faculty and staff, and the Atchison community.
Social events and minor galleries are held throughout the year in order to foster fellowship within the program and with those who desire to learn more about classical architecture.
BC Republicans
Benedictine College Republicans is a club with like-minded individuals interested in opportunities to advance conservative values in our community both on and off campus. We have various social events throughout the year along with different opportunities to get involved with the Republican Party of Kansas. We also try to get Republican leaders to come on campus and speak to students about the current political climate. We have about one event each month either as a social event, campaign opportunity, or a speaker on campus.
BC Young Democrats
Students involved in the BC Young Democrats are dedicated to promoting the causes of the Democratic Party through principles and values backed by action.
Biology Club
Welcome to the Benedictine Biology Club! We provide an entertaining AND educational setting in which to branch out, forge career connections, and make friends. Club activities include group hikes, zoo trips, movie nights, a career talk by someone in the field of S.T.E.M., litter cleanups, and a talk given by an active biological researcher. It requires a once-monthly commitment. Non-biology majors are welcome and appreciated… We love a diverse ecosystem!
Black Monks Rugby Football Club
Founded in 2003, the Black Monks is a fraternal organization designed to help young men enjoy the sport of rugby while also becoming physically and morally strong individuals. As players of the Black Monks Rugby Club we aspire to fulfill our potential as rugby players dedicated to the Benedictine mission and values. As a team we will support one another towards promoting character development while striving towards top athletic accomplishment. We devote ourselves to being diligent student-athletes while fostering our integrity to become and represent virtuous young men. The Black Monks Rugby Club has no tryouts for the team and is open to everyone!
Black Student Union
The Black Student Union is a diverse group of well-educated students that emphasizes unity, faith, and culture. Our mission is to break barriers and prepare students for the real world. All Benedictine College students are eligible to participate.
Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
This club creates a community for Benedictine students who may have lost a member of their family, or simply wish to support those with lost family members. Our club is centered around community, testimonies, and prayer as we journey together down the paths God has set for us.
Bucket List Film Club
Is there a movie that you’ve always wanted to see but have not gotten around to watching? Bucket List Film Club is a place where we knock those movies off your bucket list! We recognize cinema as an art form, and we strive to help our members gain a greater appreciation for quality cinema. Before every film, we have a short exhortation given by our advisor, Dr. Richard White, to educate our members on the significant details about the movie. Since movies were made to be experienced in the company of others, Bucket List Film Club is a space where Ravens can watch films in an intentional community. Aside from regular movie nights, Bucket List Film Club also puts on the Red Carpet Black Tie Event, a fancy fundraiser where students dress ritzy on a red carpet, enter a raffle, and watch a surprise film. Become a Bucketeer, and join the Bucket List Film Club!!!
Chemistry and Biochemistry Club
The Benedictine College Chemistry and Biochemistry club is a gathering of students with interest and passion for chemistry. It is closely tied with the American Chemical Society, introducing college students to the professional world of the field. Monthly events are hosted and planned that aim to apply chemistry into everyday activities and festivities, opening awareness to how intertwined the field is with our lives. Past events include silver-plating Christmas ornaments, Spooky Science, Mole day and theater effects. Members meet bimonthly in all-club meetings to help plan further events, public and private, but otherwise the only commitment is to participate. The club aims to unite the serious and fun sides of chemistry in an approach that appeals to all kinds of students
Chess Club
Chess Club is an organization dedicated to the personal growth and knowledge of individuals at Benedictine College in relation to the ancient art of Chess and personal betterment.
Communion and Liberation University
CLU stands for Communion and Liberation University—it is a charism of the Catholic Church founded by Fr. Luigi Giusanni. We are a company of friends who try to share life together by coming together for School of Community, singing nights, dinners, charitable work, and prayer. We want to live all aspects of life with a passion for the everyday events because that is where Christ meets us.
The purpose of this club is to build community in the Atchison community and to be a support system for the youth. We have the YMCA gym reserved for this afterschool program to play sports with the kids. Twice a month on early release Wednesdays we provide snacks and an opportunity to work on homework. Members of the club will be active and play sports with the kids and given the time, help with handing out snacks. The commitment is what days and times fit your schedule, but we greatly appreciate consistency!
CRS University
The Benedictine College chapter of the CRS University Student Ambassador program seeks to engage the campus community to act on global emergencies and injustices through awareness campaigns, prayer services, legislative advocacy and fundraising campaigns.
Education Club
Education Club utilizes service projects, speakers, and activities to bring members of Benedictine College, education majors and other majors alike, together to become better builders of community.
The club works with numerous groups throughout campus and the local community to impact aspects of education in a positive way. Education club strives to spread awareness about current issues in the education system and assists in making education a welcoming and successful community.
Engineering Club
Engineering Club is open to all of the engineering disciplines at Benedictine. This club focuses on building community throughout the department and providing a network for career advancement after students leave Benedictine College.
English Club
The English Club hosts many engaging literary events throughout the year such as poetry and movie nights, BYOB (Bring Your Own Book) reading parties, author spotlight nights, and more. We also have a writer’s group that meets weekly to encourage aspiring authors and a Dead Poets Society that sporadically reads poetry in Abbey-land! This club is particularly appealing to bookworms, poetry lovers, creative writers, or anyone generally interested in literature. This is a low-commitment club that has a lot of bookish fun!
French Club
The French Club is here to immerse students in francophone cultures through meetings full of fun activities! Students do not need to know French to join but should have a passion in francophone cultures. There is absolutely no commitment needed to join this club, but we encourage members to attend most meetings to get the most out of what this club has to offer.
Hispanic-Latino Student Club
The Hispanic-Latino Club at Benedictine aims to create a close-knit community where Hispanic and Latino students can come together to embrace their respective cultures. We strive to share Hispanic & Latino culture on campus with our traditions and customs through community events. Some events we host include monthly Lotería nights, the annual construction of a Dia de los Muertos ofrenda (altar), and annual Spanish Mass and rosary.
Students of non-Hispanic/Latino ethnicities are encouraged to join! Members are encouraged to attend all meetings and events, however, there is no required commitment.
History Club
The Benedictine College History Club serves to deepen knowledge and understanding of history among Benedictine College students. History Club hosts various historical activities and events, such as movie nights, game nights, and visits to local historical sites and museums.
Hunger Coalition
The Hunger Coalition is a group that has been at Benedictine for over 39 years and is committed to serving the hungry. The group offers a program called Skip-a-meal, in which students who are signed up skip their on-campus meal every Wednesday night. The company that serves the food in turn uses those “skips” to provide food that is delivered to members of the Atchison community who could use such assistance. Members of Hunger Co, as well as anyone who wants to volunteer, package about 200 sack lunches every Friday at 3:00pm in the conference room next to the Dining Hall and deliver them on Sunday at 9:30am, meeting at the back door of the Dining Hall.
Journalism Mass Communications Club
The Journalism Mass Communications Club is formed to promote the advancement of the interests of Benedictine College and help bring the experiences of the Journalism & Mass Communications department to all students. It’s also a way for students to be able to learn journalistic and strategic mass communication skills.. We also hope to offer ways for students to learn video news production as well as the adobe creative cloud products. We intend to be non-exclusive and open to all members of the Benedictine Student Body as well as Faculty. Through regular, friendly interaction in competitive environments, we seek to bring relaxation and friendship to the students of Benedictine.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is an organization of Catholic men dedicated to living out our faith through action. Under the patronage of Our Lady of Guadalupe and our founder, Blessed Michael J. McGivney, we strive to use our faith to proclaim the kingdom of God with our acts of service. We work as brothers, helping each other to become the men we are destined to be and encouraging each other to live the faithful life we are called to live.
Koinonia is the Greek word for “community.” It’s a student-led retreat based on the Paschal Mystery which aims to draw students closer in their relationship to Christ and to one another. Be ready for a weekend filled with fun, faith, and fellowship!
Latin Mass Society
The Latin Mass Society serves to develop in its members a deeper spirituality, educated in the rich patrimony of the Church, and to increase community among students with an affinity for the Ancient Roman Rite. A major aspect of the LMS involves promoting devotions to Our Lady and Our Lord’s Holy Face through regular communal prayer. We also seek to provide a community where students wishing to attend the Latin Mass on feast days may find transportation.
The Lemkeys are a fully student run a capella organization that gets together weekly! We pick our own music, make our own choreography and run our own practices as a group! We have auditions once a year at the beginning of the year after the Club Fair! Auditions for specific voice parts are based on spot availability to keep a balanced sound!
Math and Computer Science Club
The Mathematics and Computer Science Club exists to:
- Promote interest in mathematics and computer science
- Foster interaction among students in the mathematics and computer science department
Operation of the Mathematics and Computer Science Club:
- The mathematics and computer science club will meet at least once per semester.
- Elected officers will include a President, Vice President, SGA Representative, and others as needed. Officers of the club will be elected once each school year.
- Membership is open to all Benedictine College students interested in mathematics and/or computer science.
Nurses Association of Students
The purpose of the Benedictine College Student Nurses Association (BCSNA) is to promote the professionalism of the student nurse by contributing to nursing education, aiding in the development of the whole person, and promoting awareness of global health. The club is open to students admitted to the School of Nursing. BCSNA plans several activities throughout the school year, such as Red Cross blood drives, clinic clean-up of the Atchison Community Health Clinic, hygiene supply drive to support the Atchison High School, and many more.
Pre-Medical Club
The mission of Pre-Med Club is to offer guidance and support to Pre-Health students as they pursue different avenues of healthcare. Pre-Med Club encourages its members to strongly evaluate why they are pursuing a given field within healthcare. Members are invited to monthly talks given by healthcare professionals. In addition to this, underclassmen students in Pre-Med Club are put in contact with upperclassmen, who use their experience, take on a mentorship role.
Pre-PA Club
The Pre-Physician Assistant Club seeks to help equip aspiring students on their journey to PA school via application timeline education, professional speakers, and shadowing and volunteer opportunities. The Pre-Physician Assistant Club prioritizes communication with its members as to best educate and prepare every individual on the pre-PA path.
Psychology Club
We, the Benedictine College Psychology Club, are a group of students who aim to broaden our understanding of the concept of psychology in a structured group setting, and to share that knowledge within the psychology department and the institution of Benedictine College. All are welcome to attend our events throughout the semester, and you do not have to be a psychology major or minor to be a member. As a member, you will stay up to date with all events that will be planned each month and are highly encouraged to attend the events that interest you.
Raven’s CARE
The Center of Advocacy, Response, and Education; Raven’s CARE is an organization dedicated to strengthening our campus community through peer support and programming related to mental health and Title IX. Our mission is to be an informed peer liaison to campus resources. Our leaders come together each month to plan monthly events, and are trained in trauma-informed care and bystander intervention. Our members are also trained in trauma-informed care and volunteer at our monthly events. Monthly events include Self-Defense Training, Bystander Intervention Training, Mental Illness Awareness Week, Suicide Prevention Awareness, and much more!
Raven Runners Club
Raven Runners Club seeks to give runners of any type and ability the support and connections they need to succeed as a runner, whether that be reminders, tips, running partners, information about races, or opportunities to race and run on campus. We wish to support runners in any way we can, especially by building a community of people who share this same interest and passion.
Ravens Respect Life
As the pro-life student organization of Benedictine College, the vision of Ravens Respect Life is to empower and equip the student body to defend and promote the dignity of the human person from conception until natural death as we strive to create a culture of life on campus and throughout the world. Specifically, we focus on ending abortion in Kansas and building support for moms to carry and raise their babies! We lead prayer trips down to the abortion clinics in KC, train sidewalk counselors, host fundraisers for pregnancy resource centers, bring in exciting speakers, get involved in prolife canvassing, train our members to defend their beliefs, inform students about prolife news in politics, host diaper drives, and are increasing support for pregnant mothers on campus and in Atchison! Joining is as easy as attending our club events and outreach opportunities.
Raven Swing Dance Club
Raven Swing Club is dedicated to organizing dancing opportunities for the BC community. The club hosts open floors and lessons weekly, as well as larger events throughout the year. Instruction includes various styles of swing and ballroom dancing.
Regnum Christi
Regnum Christi is a Catholic movement whose members seek to build the Kingdom of Christ through prayer and witness. By incorporating the message of the Gospel into our everyday lives, we aspire to have Christ reign in our hearts as well as in our society. Regnum Christi on campus allows us to build a community of fellowship and accountability. Together we are able to grow in relation with one another as well as strive for Heaven.
Saint Dymphna Society
We are a club who endeavors to cultivate community by fostering the connection between scientific psychology and our Catholic faith through education, reduction of mental health stigma, and by welcoming spiritual growth. Club members participate in meetings, have the opportunity to pray together at adoration, and sponsor advocacy-based and other integrated events throughout the year.
Saints Women’s Rugby
The Benedictine Saints Women’s Rugby Club was started back in 2005 by a group of women who wanted to bring a unique sport to the women of Benedictine College. Many of the players, past and present, came into it with little to no experience of rugby. As the years have gone on we have increased our numbers along with our knowledge and love for the game. This club is completely run by the players, the captain is chosen by the ones before them, we schedule all our games and tournaments with all the D2 collegiate women’s teams in the area, and we fundraise to make it all possible.
Society of Physics Student (SPS)
Join the Physics Club, where we don’t do any math! The purpose of the Physics Club is to put physics and astronomy concepts into a fun and accessible environment! Members can expect to participate in events such as observatory nights (at our on-campus observatory), service projects (giving physics demonstrations at the local schools for students), and physics movie nights! Members are not required to attend all the events but attending will help grow your love of physics AND astronomy! We have about 1-2 events per month, so the commitment is not a lot, but actually fun and beneficial!
Sociology Club
It is our mission to take the principles of social science to understand and better the world! The Sociology Club was founded in 2011 to provide fellowship, academic, and service opportunities for students interested in sociology. Every year, we sponsor an academic contribution to the Benedictine College community, which is typically hosting a speaker. We also have outreach/volunteer opportunities specifically to serve the vulnerable within our Atchison community. We create community through meetings and at our various events throughout the semester.
Socratic Club
The purpose of Socratic Club is to foster debate between Benedictine students. Traditional classes have had students write to think. However, discoursing among friends (debating) is another way for students to understand their own ideas and the ideas of others. Socratic Club meets once every two weeks to talk on a wide range of topics—from the trivial to the existential.
Spanish Club
The Spanish Club aims to promote and share information about the Spanish language and Spanish-speaking cultures. The intent is to be both educational and fun for its members. We hope members will better understand cultural awareness through the experiences of food, films, and bonding activities. There will be about 2-3 events per semester.
Student International Business Council (SIBC)
Student International Business Council (SIBC) is a student-led organization that provides students at Benedictine College to obtain real-world experience prior to going out into the workforce. Students participate in real-world business projects to apply the theories and concepts they have learned in the classroom. Possible projects include opportunities to consult for domestic and international organizations, develop community outreach programs, and work with students from Student International Business Councils at the University of Notre Dame and the University of San Diego. Through these opportunities, students further the vision of “Peace Through Commerce.” These experiences enable students to build stronger communication, team building, marketing, and management skills.
Student Nurses Association
The purpose of the Benedictine College Student Nurses Association is to promote professionalism of the nursing student through contributing to nursing education, aiding to the development of the whole person and promoting awareness of global health.
Swim Club
The BC Swim Club aims to promote healthy living by providing a safe and fun environment for people to swim in a competitive way. We swim three times a week at the YMCA and our practices provide a good workout, a community of people who all love swimming, and a chance to compete. The Swim Club is open to all levels of swimming of Benedictine college students and faculty.
Tennis Club
Tennis club is dedicated to providing students with an opportunity to play tennis and improve their skills in the sport. We cater to players of all skill levels and challenge them to better themselves both on and off the court. We also offer a Tennis team for advanced players to compete in an environment of players with similar backgrounds and abilities.
Turning Point USA
TPUSA at Benedictine College is a chapter that promotes free speech, free markets, small government, and the Constitution on our campus. We intend to create a space for civil discourse and open discussion.
Volleyball Club
Benedictine College Volleyball Fundamentals and Recreation Club (BCVFARC) is aimed at fostering a friendly learning community where lovers of volleyball, whether new to the sport or avid players, can grow their skills through fun pick-up nights and scheduled tournaments.